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J.M. Rodríguez-Antón, L. Rubio-Andrada, M.S. Celemín-Pedroche
S.M. Ruiz Peñalver Ruiz Peñalver,
"From the circular economy to the sustainable development goals in the European Union: an empirical comparison", "International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics"
, vol.22, 67-95, 2022
M. Rodríguez Molina, J. Molina Belmonte
J.A. Camacho Ballesta,
"Mapping functional areas in Spain using mobile positioning data", "European Urban and Regional Studies"
, vol.29, 145-151, 2022
L.A. Sandoval-Hamón, S.M. Ruiz Peñalver Ruiz Peñalver, E. Thomas
R.D. Fitjar,
"From high¿tech clusters to open innovation ecosystems: a systematic literature review of the relationship between science and technology parks and universities", "The Journal of Technology Transfer"
, 1-26, 2022
J.A. Camacho Ballesta, L. Da Silva
M. Rodríguez Molina,
"An analysis of the main driving factors of renewable energy consumption in the European Union", "Environmental Science and Pollution Research"
, vol.29, 35110-35123, 2022
J. Molina-Belmonte, S.M. Ruiz Peñalver Ruiz Peñalver, J.A. Camacho Ballesta
M. Rodríguez Molina,
"Los fondos Next Generation UE y las políticas activas de empleo en las regiones españolas: un análisis comparativo", "International Review of Economic Policy"
, vol.4, 99-124, 2022
J.A. Camacho Ballesta, L. Da Silva-Almeida, M. Rodríguez Molina
J. Molina Belmonte,
"Domestic versus foreign energy use: an analysis for four European countries", "Environment, Development and Sustainability"
, 1-21, 2021
S.M. Ruiz Peñalver Ruiz Peñalver, L. Porcel Rodríguez
A.I. Ruiz-Peñalver,
"La ecopedagogía en cuestión: una revisión bibliográfica", "Contextos Educativos"
, vol.28, 183-201, 2021
J.A. Camacho Ballesta, J. Molina Belmonte
M. Rodríguez Molina,
"Financial accessibility in branchless municipalities: an analysis for Andalusia", "European Planning Studies"
, vol.29, 883-898, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024