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Lista de artículos

L.A. Sandoval-Hamón, S.M. Ruiz Peñalver Ruiz Peñalver, E. Thomas and R.D. Fitjar,  "From high¿tech clusters to open innovation ecosystems: a systematic literature review of the relationship between science and technology parks and universities", "The Journal of Technology Transfer" , 1-26, 2022
M. Rodríguez Molina, J. Molina Belmonte and J.A. Camacho Ballesta,  "Mapping functional areas in Spain using mobile positioning data", "European Urban and Regional Studies" , vol.29, 145-151, 2022
J.A. Camacho Ballesta, L. Da Silva and M. Rodríguez Molina,  "An analysis of the main driving factors of renewable energy consumption in the European Union", "Environmental Science and Pollution Research" , vol.29,  35110-35123, 2022
J. Molina-Belmonte, S.M. Ruiz Peñalver Ruiz Peñalver, J.A. Camacho Ballesta and M. Rodríguez Molina,  "Los fondos Next Generation UE y las políticas activas de empleo en las regiones españolas: un análisis comparativo", "International Review of Economic Policy" , vol.4, 99-124, 2022
J.M. Rodríguez-Antón, L. Rubio-Andrada, M.S. Celemín-Pedroche and S.M. Ruiz Peñalver Ruiz Peñalver,  "From the circular economy to the sustainable development goals in the European Union: an empirical comparison", "International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics" , vol.22, 67-95, 2022
J.A. Camacho Ballesta, J. Molina Belmonte and M. Rodríguez Molina,  "Financial accessibility in branchless municipalities: an analysis for Andalusia", "European Planning Studies" , vol.29, 883-898, 2021
F. Perez-Carrascosa, C. Gómez, R. Echevarría, J.J. Jiménez-Moleón, J.M. Melchor-Rodríguez, A. Garcia-Ruiz, J.L. Navarro Espigares, J. Cabeza-Barrera, P. Martin-Olmedo, J.C. Ortigosa and J.P. Arrebola-Moreno,  "Historical exposure to persistent organic pollutants and cardiovascular disease: A 15-year longitudinal analysis focused on pharmaceutical consumption in primary care", "Environment International" , -, 2021
M. Rodríguez Molina, J.A. Camacho Ballesta, L. Da Silva-Almeida and J. Molina Belmonte,  "Domestic versus foreign origin of total energy use: An analysis for Brazil", "Energy Reports" , vol.7, 6327-6337, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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